Sarah was my first model. We decided to go to the Georgeson Botanical Garden and the trails behind the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Sarah was a great model, she was very patient with me as i took my time ensuring my lighting was correct, i was in focus, and all the extra bracketing.
I had three self portraits but i decided to not upload one of them as it was slightly out of focus and just an all round bad photo. The first self photo is a play on the sexy, fishnet stocking photographs except mine is kinda quirky. Here i am putting on a pair of my favorite striped, orange tights. The next picture is my reflection with my camera in my husband, Jeff's, sunglasses. No, Jeff does not normally wears these. They were a $5 prop from Wally World.
My last portrait is of my daughter, Morgan, in her favorite pair of play shoes, sitting on her garden bench watching the grass grow. I LOVE this photo of her.