Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

What a crazy day, heck the last few weeks leading up to this crazy day were somewhat crazy, too.

Needless to say. I love Christmas with all its traditions, excited little faces, family, food (even the not so good dishes which was pretty much everything this year), fresh evergreens w/needles falling everywhere, holiday music (over and over and over again), irritations, frustration, tired aching bodies, and sleeplessness. If i missed anything, i am can always add it to next years Christmas blog.

My morning started off at about 3:00 am as i lay in bed wishing my mind to shut down so i could sleep but... i laid in bed thinking about sleeping and of course, my long day ahead. At 4:00 am, i gave up and decided to get a head start on my day which lucky me started with eating the cookies we left out for Santa a few hours before and washing it back with some warm milk. Blah, i was not eating carrots at that early hour, heck no.

After checking my text and facebook messages (and posting quite a few of my own), i decided i did not really want to start my day so i rented a movie and waited out my insomnia moment. Unlucky me, as i was ready to go to bed, i hear the muffled cries of my little angel, Riley. Darn it, i guess i better nurse her before heading back to bed and maybe catching a few winks before Morgan rises. At almost 8:00 in the morning, Riley refuses to go back to bed she just stands in her co-sleeper crying and staring at me. Who needs sleep, sleep is for the weak.

Well, i am weak but luckily i have a husband i can sometimes bully into taking up some of my slack. OK, i cried about being sick and tired so he took pity on me and watched Riley and gave her her morning breakfast. Unlucky me still could not sleep. Well, not totally. It really was a fog. I think i was in and out of sleep for a two hours due to my coughing and sinus infection (i am actually on antibiotics for an ear ache and sinus infection).

I decide once again, who needs sleep. I get up to participate in the, the ritual of opening gifts on Christmas day. Morgan was everywhere. At one point, all i could see was her feet kicking under the Christmas tree as she grabs more presents. We had to hold her back a little so we could at least see who sent the gift and who it actually belonged to. Children definitely make the holiday worth while and are the cause of quite a few headaches, too. I know, i suffered from one off and on during the whole process. Funny, Riley was not into the whole paper tearing effort which is a great departure from what she was doing during the days leading up to the event.

The highlights: Jeff got a digital frame for his desk. He started a new job at work and i figured since he would be spending quite a bit of time behind a desk, why not look at pictures of me...i mean us, the family. I got my Nook e-reader which is right now downloading a book for me to read before i go to bed. Well, if i don't take long posting this update that is. Riley got a Leap Frog My Pal named violet from Santa among many other gifts from us and the grandparents. Morgan got a leapster explorer from us and a ladybug (her request) from Santa. She also received an obscene amount of gifts from us and the grandparents. She is a truly spoiled child.

Dinner was alright. We purchased a spiral ham this year which we never do as Jeff does not like them but could never recall why. Well, i wonder if it was because it is dry and the use quite a bit of cloves for seasoning (he does not like cloves where i don't mind them). My garlic mashed potatoes where a strange texture (not good) and not so garlicky as the garlic dried out in the oven, green bean casserole (i think i like it with fresh beans from our garden rather than frozen, ick), cheddar biscuits (these were quite delicious), and gravy (store bought was else). I think we saved a small bit of the casserole, the ham, and the biscuits. Everything else went into the trash. Oh well, better luck at New Years.

Gotta go. I have an e-reader to play with. I hope all of our family and friends had a wonderful Christmas. Have a great New Year. We hope to see each and everyone of you this new year.

I may repost this later when i have time to add photos. But until then, here is the latest.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christamas Letter 2010

For the family and friends that i inevitably miss every year. Of course, if i missed you then you probably don't have the address to the blog. LOL.

There have been many changes to our family this past year but a good year, nonetheless. We lost our beloved dog of twelve years, Mackenzie, earlier this year. Mackenzie was a beautiful Malamute we adopted a year after moving to Alaska. She was my constant companion and we will miss her. Of the original six dogs, we have three left: Jake (dad) and their (Jake and Mackenzie’s) pups, Blaze and Jed. And yes, the cats, Chester and Matilda, are still hanging about.

The most exciting news is the birth of our 2nd daughter, Riley Frances, on April 19th (the day after Morgan’s 3rd birthday). She weighed 8 pounds, 5 oz and had a full head of black hair just like her big sister. Not only am I thankful that she is healthy but that she was born the day after Morgan’s birthday. They can each have their own special day.

Riley will be 8 months old later this month. She is a wonderful baby but a tad serious at times. I think she just likes us to work for those beautiful smiles and, boy, are they worth it, especially with those front teeth. Yes, teeth. The bottom teeth came in at 4 months and now she is getting the top ones to match. She was sitting up on her own at 4 months. At six months old, she was eating baby food, crawling around like a bear on her hands and feet, and even pulling herself up. I can barely keep up with her.

Morgan is a busy girl herself and so full of love for her baby sister. She enjoys spending time with her little sister, cuddling her, reading to her, watching mom or dad changing her diapers. She started preschool in March of this year, learning to recognize and write her numbers and letters. We also enrolled her in Tae Kwan Do this fall. The school teaches her some of the basics of the art and is an excellent outlet for our rambunctious three year old. We hope to enroll her in a dancing program beginning in January and possibly swimming or gymnastics, too.

Jeff is still working at Bristow, formerly Air Logistics of Alaska. He recently accepted a new position with the company as Chief Inspector. While I am happy about the promotion, I worry that he will miss turning wrenches and get chair sores from sitting at a desk all day. I suppose I could come up with house work that involves the use of wrenches to help him adjust.

As for myself, I am still working at the refinery in North Pole as a lab technician. The shift work can be difficult with two little ones and no grandma to help but we are managing. I am playing my second season of hockey as a forward. While I am not much of a skater, I do love playing the game. The women’s league plays once a week which is plenty of ice time for a busy mom like myself. I have renewed my interest in photography. Why not, with two beautiful subjects under my very own roof. As an early Christmas gift to myself, I purchased a fancy new SLR camera for my hobby. I have also decided to start a blog documenting our life in Alaska with updates on the girls and, hopefully, my photos. It will probably be a little awkward at first as I am not used to blogging but I will stay with it and hopefully you all will too.

Other family news: My mom will be splitting her time between Alaska and California, wintering in California and summering in Alaska. Gene (my second oldest brother) and his wife, Michelle, are expecting twin boys in January. Can you imagine!! My baby brother, Jon, recently became engaged to his longtime girlfriend, Martina. We have always considered Martina and her boys a part of the family, it is about time they make it official.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Jeff, Loda, Morgan, and Riley.