Monday, October 3, 2011

Photography - Motion

Photography class is just a memory these days but i am still going to post my pictures from the class....eventually and definitely not in order.  I am putting a rush on this as my friend Sarah is taking the same class this semester.  Her assignment this week is Motion.  While i don't think these will be of much help to you, it gave me the kick in the pants i needed to finish some of my posts that are sitting in limbo.

Motion -

We had turn in a total of six pictures, two each:  Blur, Stop Motion, and Pan.

  1. Blur is when the motion is blurred and the background is static.  These pictures are best achieved with shutter speeds 1/30th or slower.  You will need low light conditions for these types of photos and a camera stand.  
  2. Stop Motion is pretty self explanatory.  Your shutter speed has to be fast enough for the action you are trying to stop in a image, at least 1/60th.  You will need good lighting and obvious motion.
  3. Pan is a bit of a bugger.  In a proper pan, your subject (for the most part) will be in focus while the background will be blurred.  To do this, you want to move your camera parallel to the motion and at the same relative speed as the action, a very difficult task to be sure.  Your shutter speed should be between 1/10th and 1/30th of a second.  Again, best in dimly lit environments.

Thank goodness for rainy days which by the way we had a lot of this summer.  My little play group and i decided to hit the Glow Putt Alaska for the day and lucky me i had my camera on me as any good photographer would, right.  I had never taken photos like this before.  I had so much fun, i surpassed the cap my instructor put on the number photos we were allowed to take for this assignment. :)

My first three photos are for blur.  I used a chair as a stand for my camera.  The exposures were at least 1.8 or longer.  Notice how the background of each pictures is clear and sharp while the animation is blurred.  In some the pictures, the exposure was long enough that the movement almost appeared ghost like.

For stop motion, i photographed my daughters tball team during their practice and a random photo of water from my gutter filling a rain barrel.

A fellow tballer playing catch with a teammate.

As i said, pan can be very difficult.  I got lucky with the shots below.  In the first photo, I was at a strange angle so the ball and bat were not exactly parallel with my movement.  In the last two photos, Morgan was not moving too fast for me to keep up with my camera.  If you look close, you can see that the background is slightly out of focus while my subject is in focus while running.

Morgan at batting practice.

Morgan running to home plate during a game.

Morgan running to home plate during a game.
She reminds me of Dark Helmet  (Rick Moranis) in Spaceballs.