Monday, August 15, 2011

Mosaics Anyone

Pinwheel Flower

Quite a few years ago, i was at the dump rummaging around.  No, i am not one to dig around in the dumpster.  I am more of a drive by and see if you can find something sitting around next to the dumpster kinda gal.  Anyhoo....I found an old iron dinette sett (a table base with four chairs).  I pictured doing a mosaic design on a 4 foot diameter table and set it on the iron base along with mosaic insets for the four chairs with upholstered cushions. 

Front of flower pot.
I was pretty excited about the project that i immediately bought a wire brush to remove the rust and spray paint it black.  Ten years later, the dinette set still sits by the green house (it used to be inside but...) rusting again.  This is pretty much how many of my great plans go.  I start but never finish them.  With this project, it was the mosaic part that kept me from finishing my table set.  I found the whole process very intimidating until now.
I am fortunate to a great friend who decided to take me by the hand and show myself and a couple other gal pals just how easy mosaics can be.  These were two day projects.  The first day she she instructed us on how to set our tiles and the tools we would be using.  She even made us a wonderful vegan panang curry.  Yum.  The second day was strictly grouting. 
Back of flower pot.

My first piece was a scrap piece of cement board.  I fragmented larger pieces of tile using a plastic bag and hammer.  A great way to release pent of aggression :).  I used a nipper to cut the smaller pieces.  I gathered my tiles and partially laid them out to come up with a design.  I settled on a pin wheel flower in a pot.  Magnificent.  Too easy right.

I followed up the plaque with a mosaic design a flower pot. I used up the rest of my small pieces to form three panels of small tile pieces separated by green river glass/rocks.  Once i ran out of small pieces, i started used larger pieces for the back of the pot.  I found this project a little more difficult because of the curvature of the pot and its weight. 

I don't think i am ready to take on my ten year in waiting project quite yet.  I think my next project will be a small side table or box.  Stay tuned.