Saturday, September 20, 2014

Controlling My Addictions

Don't worry, i don't have anything to crazy.  I gave up smoking almost twenty years ago and haven't looked back.  I like to drink a good beer or a glass of wine.  I still dabble in making liquors and wines.  My addictions these days are those darn fancy, high calorie espresso drinks and.....Facebook.  It sounds innocent enough but i dislike the time time spent playing on mobile devices, especially, when i realize i don't read much anymore except a kids book before bedtime or for their school assignments.

I allow myself one fancy espresso each week...okay maybe more if i make them at home.  The money is more of an irritation than the calories as i don't make them with all that syrup.  As for Facebook, i have tried just deleting the app but i still manage to spend my free time on there by accessing thru the internet.  My only choice was to deactivate.  Extreme, i know.  I was also wary of the security of the site when i posted my mobile pictures.  Not being able to post picture daily using my phone was really difficult so deactivating helped.

My family has expressed sadness at my sudden and, most likely, lengthy departure from Facebook.  I know they miss hearing about my daily activities and the many pictures i take of the kids as we go about our day. Therefore, i am returning to my blog.  I do enjoy documenting and sharing both the trivial and the ground breaking aspects of our crazy life here in Alaska.   The kids grow fast and i want to make sure are get to see these changes in them.  I also miss taking photos with my fancy camera.  I feel like i have lost a little bit of photography knowledge from my time away.  Getting back to these basics won't be easy and don't expect daily posts.  I will do my best to post pictures and some rambling a few times each month.

I won't guarantee that they will all be current posts.  It is probably kinda of like cheating but i have a back log of old posts and some wonderful pictures i have wanted to share for quite awhile but never published. I am hoping to work my way thru them and throw in some current stuff, too.

Some quick news -

As of this month, i am officially back to working full-time with the same company.  Jeff is back in Fairbanks working for the government.  He worked in Anchorage the first half of the year.  Morgan started second grade this fall.  She continues to play piano and will begin competing this year.  I am not sure what it all entails but she is excited for the opportunity.  She continues lessons with hockey, swimming, and skiing.  Riley will begin pre-school full-time next month.  She continues with her swimming lessons and will start hockey and ski lessons next month. The girl amazes me, she can put all of her hockey gear on all by herself, minus the skates.

I am definitely looking forward to a busy winter with my girls.