Sunday, June 10, 2012

North Star Ballet Camp 2012

I took Morgan to the North Star Ballet 2011 Spring Gala of Snow White.  Morgan loved the performance so much that i signed her up for their 2011 ballet camp on Snow White.  At 4, this was Morgan's first formal dance lesson and her first camp.  The camp was only three hours a day for five days.  She loved learning her new ballet steps and the choreography, creating her costumes, and playing with other young girls her age.  At the end of the week, the campers put on a small play for their family and friends.

Morgan as, one of many, Snow White.
Morgan, donning the hat she decorated, with one of the ballet instructors.
The following fall, i enrolled Morgan in the North Star Ballet School's Creative Movements Class for 4-5 year old kids.  Morgan has been taking ballet for a year now.  I, once again, took her to the North Star Ballet Spring Gala and signed her up for their camp.  This years gala was on Alice in Wonderland, a phenomenal performance considering it was just a local production.  Due to the dark story line of Alice in Wonderland, they decided to go with Sleeping Beauty for the ballet camp theme this year.

Morgan, as Sleeping Beauty, on the cover of their souvenir book.
Morgan and fellow campers are fairies at the christening of Sleeping Beauty.
Morgan as Sleeping Beauty after she awakens from her deep sleep.
Morgan as a blue bird partying it up at the wedding of the prince and princess.
The best year yet.  Each of the girls got to be play multiple characters in the story of Sleeping Beauty from the fairies that bless the princess with special gifts, to the princess, to the animals that dance through the story.  Luckily, the week Morgan attend three boys also attended.  The boys played the role of prince battling the evil fairy and, eventually, awakening and marrying the princess.  It was decided that a kiss was unnecessary as the battle itself was enough to awaken the princess.  Love it!